"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."  --William Shakespeare

Entries in Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore (1)


Our Friend Daniel, in the Lions' Den


Our good friend, the poet Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore, is a frequent contributor to the Paris Play dialogues that accompany each post. I've known him since we lived in Berkeley in the late sixties, and am sorry to hear news of his health worries. At the time of this post, Daniel just entered the hospital for the first of three chemo and 35 radiation therapy sessions. The prognosis is good, and his family and friends are hopeful.

This post, which contains his recent poem, is a prayer for Daniel, a thank-you for his contributions, and request for our friends all over the world to offer up prayers to him, whatever your religion, or lack of same. Atheists, agnostics, pagans, all can play.




The lions' arena

is full of medical equipment


The roar of the lions is the

great radiation ring whirring


The crowd leaning forward with

thumbs at the ready


wears chemotherapy gowns


It’s a hot day

and a restless hum is in the air


The masks of everyone’s faces

are beginning to slip


As we enter naked and

shackled the


crowd is hushed


The outcome is anyone’s guess

and God’s to toss into the


arena’s dust we’ve

been since birth


waiting for this moment’s



There’s no signal to start

all is already closing in


A star glimmers overhead

for each of us


wanting the best


Our hearts have already

entered paradise


and come to



5/28/12 (from Down at the Deep End, in progress)


Photo (c) 2012 Malika Moore



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